Speech and Drama entry guidelines

It is customary in Speech Competitions for all performances to be spoken in English.
Some words or phrases in another language may be acceptable if in context with the item being presented. If used, a translation for the adjudicator must be provided.

  1. The General Festival Rules and Conditions for Competitors as published on this website apply in this section.

  2. Trophy returns
    Please contact Mary Ann Harding before 1 August 2022:

  3. Own selection copies
    For all performances except Mime, Improvisation and Speeches, a copy for the Adjudicator must be handed in before the commencement of the session in which the class is being held.

All copies for the Adjudicator must have clearly marked on the top right hand corner:

    • Class number

    • Competitor’s number

    • Competitor's name.

Original, typed copies or photocopies are required.

Adjudicator will have regard to the quality of choice where competitors make their own selections.

  1. Rehearsals
    There are to be no rehearsals of individual items on stage between sessions, except in very special circumstances and then only with the permission of the Stage Manager or Committee member in charge.
    Producers of plays may apply to the Stage Manager for permission to hold a 15 minute familiarisation session.

  2. Errors
    Any errors in the programme must be notified before the commencement of the Festival to NPACS.
    Please email:

  3. Withdrawals
    Notification of withdrawals is expected prior to commencement of the Festival or at least before the commencement of the relevant session.
    Please notify the Stage Manager or Speech & Drama Convenor.
    Email to:

  4. Titles and authors
    Please note that titles and authors of own selections are required for all classes, where appropriate.

  5. Time Limits
    Maximum time 4 minutes, unless otherwise stated.

    • For the Speech section only:
      Competitors 15 years and over in age restricted classes may have an extension of time up to 6 minutes where appropriate, in own selection classes only.
      This extended time must be indicated with the entries.

    • Please refer to entry form for timing of each performance item.

  6. Verse classes
    All entries in Verse classes must be by a published author.
    State titles and authors with entries.

  7. Age Groups
    To assist with problems encountered in casting plays in th
    is section, it is allowable to enter younger performers in the senior classes, provided that the majority of players conform to the age stated for the class.

  8. Scripts
    Two copies of scripts are required for all entries in Drama classes 199 to 209.
    These are to be forwarded to NPACS,
    before 2 September 2022 by:

  9. Devised Drama Classes 202, 203 & 204
    An outline of the performance piece or a text and very brief explanation of how the piece evolved, is required for the adjudicator.

    • Copies of this outline and any prose, verse or drama stimulus are to be sent to:
      NPACS SPEECH, as individuation in 'Scripts' above
      before 2 September 2022.

    • Copies are required for the Adjudicator's preparation and the Stage Manager.

    • A cast list with ages is also requested in order to assist with programming.
      Changes to cast can be allowed but must be notified before the performance date.