
NPACS Piano Competitions will not be held in 2024.


Piano solos under 12 years

Under 10 years

22 Piano Solo - Own Selection in Triple Time
Time limit: 4 minutes.

23 Piano Solo - Own Selection in Duple or Quadruple Time
Time limit: 4 minutes.

10 years

19 Piano Solo - Set Music
Time limit: 4 minutes.

20 Piano Solo - Own Selection
Time limit: 4 minutes.

21 Piano Solo - Reading at Sight Grade I 

11 years

16 Piano Solo - Set Composer
New Zealand composer.
Time limit: 4 minutes.

17 Piano Solo - Own Selection
Time limit: 4 minutes.

18 Piano Solo - Reading at Sight Grade II

Under 18 years

24 Quick Study
Music obtainable one week before competitions Festival.

31 Northland Registered Music Teachers' Scholarship
Northland residents only.
Set Piece:  Bach part 2 invention no.8 in F major.

Competitors in this class must enter and perform in the Set Composer, Own Selection and Reading at Sight classes in their own age group.
First placing: $150.00

Piano solos 12 years & over

12 years

13 Piano Solo - Set Composer
Russian  composer.
Time limit: 4 minutes. 

14 Piano Solo - Own Selection
Time limit: 4 minutes.

15 Piano Solo - Reading at Sight Grade III

13 years

10 Piano Solo - Set Composer
One movement from a Sonatina or Sonata.
Time limit: 4 minutes.

11 Piano Solo - Own Selection
Time limit: 4 minutes.

12 Piano Solo - Reading at Sight Grade IV  

14 & under 16 years

7 Piano Solo - Set Composer
Grieg or Schuman.
Time limit: 6 minutes.

8 Piano Solo - Own Selection
Time limit: 4 minutes.

9 Piano Solo - Reading at Sight Grade V 

15 years & under

30 Piano Accompanist
Accompanist only to be judged. Solo may be either vocal or instrumental.
Time limit: 4 minutes.

16 & under 18 years

4 Piano Solo - Set Composer
Baroque composer.
Time limit: 6 minutes.

5 Piano Solo - Own Selection
Time limit: 6 minutes.

6 Piano Solo - Reading at Sight Grade VI
Time limit: 6 minutes.

16 & under 20 years

29 Piano Accompanist
Accompanist only to be judged. Solo may be either vocal or instrumental.
Time limit: 4 minutes.

Under 18 years

24 Quick Study
Music obtainable one week before competitions.

31 Northland Registered Music Teachers' Scholarship
Northland residents only.
Set Piece:  Bach part 2 invention no.8 in F major.

Competitors in this class must enter and perform in the Set Composer, Own Selection and Reading at Sight classes in their own age group.
First placing: $150.00

18 years & over

1 Piano Solo - Set Composer
Baroque composer.
Time limit: 6 minutes.

2 Piano Solo - Own Selection
Time limit: 6 minutes.

3 Piano Solo - Reading at Sight
Time limit: 6 minutes. 

15 & under 21 years

32 Piano Recital - PACANZ NYPA Nomination
Performance of 3 pieces of a contrasting nature from different periods of musical history.
Time limit: 20 minutes.
This is the Pianoforte nomination class for the 2024 PACANZ National Young Performer Awards (NYPA) finals.

Refer to PACANZ page for further details and entry criteria.


Piano solos open classes

Open to any age.

25 Piano Solo - Contemporary music composed since 1950
Time limit: 4 minutes.

26 Piano Solo - Popular, Jazz or Blues
Time limit: 4 minutes.

27 Piano Solo from Memory
Time limit: 4 minutes.

28 Piano Solo - Music by a New Zealand or Australian composer
Time limit: 4 minutes.

33 Composition Class
Original composition of music. This is not limited to Piano. The music must be performed, but not necessarily by the composer.
Time limit: 6 minutes.

Two copies of the full manuscript must be submitted for critical appraisal by the Adjudicator.
Send manuscript before Tuesday 1 August to: NPACS Piano Section, PO Box 1121, Whangarei 0140.

 88 Improvisation - Own Selection
Performance in Jazz/Blues Style.
Time limit: 4 minutes.

Piano duets and family group

34 Piano Duet under 16 years.
Time limit: 4 minutes.

35 Piano Duet  Open.
Time limit: 4 minutes.

36 Family Group Item
Duet, Trio or Quartet.
Open to parents, grandparents and children of one family.  

Piano trophies and awards

Lawrence Lo Memorial Trophy under 10 years.
Northland resident.
Classes: 22, 23 highest aggregate marks. 

Joan C Bolger Cup under 10 years.
Class 22.

E D Rust Cup 10 years.
Classes: 19, 20, 21 aggregate points.

C Minor Cup under 10 years
Classes: 22, 23 highest aggregate marks.

Traill Cup 11 years.
Classes 16, 17, 18 aggregate points.

Northland Youth Cup  Classes 12 years.
Classes: 13, 14, 15 aggregate points.

Madame Rolfe Smith Memorial Trophy 13 years.
Classes: 10, 11, 12 aggregate points.

Rodger Long Trophy 
Highest aggregate marks over Piano classes: 24, 25, 27 and 3 age group classes.

Madame Rolfe Smith Cup 14 & under 16 years.
Classes: 7, 8, 9.

David Swindells Memorial Trophy & Award 14 & under 16 years.
Class 8.

Ronald Cup 15 years & under.
Class 30.

Crabb Cup 16 & under 18 years.
Aggregate marks in classes: 4, 5, 6.

Haslett Rose Bowl 16 & under 18 years.
Class 4.

Oliver Trophy 16 & under 18 years.
Class 5.

Knapp Trophy 16 & under 18 years.
Class 6.

Corrie Pelsky Trophy under 18 years.
Class 24 $25.00.

Atwater Trophy under 18 years.
Highest aggregate points in classes: 4, 5, 6.

R T Tudehope Memorial Trophy under 18 years.
Northland residents
Highest aggregate points gained in classes: 4, 5, 6.

Northland Institute of Registered Music Teachers Scholarship (NIRMT) under 18 years.
Class 31: $150.00. Competitors in this class must enter and perform in the Set Composer, Own Selection and Reading at Sight classes in either their own age group or the Junior Championship.

Margaret Bimler Memorial Cup under 18 years.
Class 31.

Turntable Trophy under 18 years.
Most promising performer in Junior Piano classes.

Phil Pomery Trophy under 18 years.
Awarded to the boy gaining the highest individual mark in the Junior Piano classes.

Kamo Lions Club Cup
Performer gaining highest individual mark in Junior Piano Sight Reading.

Bach Trophy 18 years & over.
Highest aggregate points in classes: 1, 2, 3.

C A Salmon Trophy 18 years & over.
Northland residents.
Highest aggregate points in classes: 1, 2, 3.

Patterson trophy  Open age.
Class 25.

McKenzie Cup Open age.
Class 27.

Marjorie Whitehead Memorial Award Open age.
Class 33 (sponsored by NIRMT).

Jock Hosking Memorial Award 
Best performance of a Fugue: $100.

The Australasian Cup  Piano/Vocal.
Music by a New Zealand or Australian composer.
Awarded to the winner with highest marks of either Piano class 28 or Vocal class 119.

Bethley O'Shea Trophy  Piano/Vocal.
Music by a New Zealand or Australian composer.
Awarded to the competitor with second highest marks of either Piano class 28 or Vocal class 119.