Dance entry guidelines
The General Festival Rules and Conditions for Competitors as published on this website apply in this section. In particular, please note Rule 21 - Communication with Adjudicators by competitors, teachers or other interested parties prior to, or during the competitions is absolutely prohibited.
The Committee reserves the right to disqualify a competitor for any breach of this rule.Restricted classes
These classes are only for Northland residents, who have not won a first placing for that dance genre in any competition up to the commencement of the NPACS competitions.Titles
Titles are required to be stated on competition entry forms for the following classes:
All Group dances
Classical Ballet Variation
Song & Dance
Musical Theatre classes - please include the name of the musical the item is from.Classes with a large number of entries
These may, at the discretion of the Committee, be divided.
For the purpose of allocating aggregate trophy points, the divided classes will be treated as one.
Placings for aggregate trophy points will be decided by the three highest marks awarded over the two divisions.A Piano will not be available for dancing competitors.
All music will be played through the Society’s laptop.
The music files must be in MP3 or M4A format.
Instructions for uploading files will be emailed to all competitors.
Please ensure a backup copy is available on either USB or CD.
Please check in with the Stage Manager at least 1 class before the commencement of the class the competitor is dancing in.Curtains
Curtains will be drawn only for Groups and Troupes.Rehearsals
There are to be no rehearsals on stage between sessions except in special circumstances and then only with the permission of the Stage Manager.Second Attempts
Only competitors under 12 years will be allowed to return to the stage for a second attempt in age group and restricted classes.
No second attempt will be permitted in Open age group classes.Prizes
For Solo, Duo and Trio Classes:
1st Place - Trophy and/or Gold Medal.
2nd Place - Silver Medal.
3rd Place - Bronze Medal.
Commended Placings – Ribbons.Unless otherwise stated, medals will not be given for placings that carry prize money.
For group classes: 1st Place - Trophy.
Group competitors will also receive ribbons for 1st, 2nd and 3rd placings.
Names of group competitors must be supplied.
Song and Dance entries
Lip syncing or singing to a vocal background is not permitted during the entire performance. Nor is the use of a microphone.Repetition of a dance
The same dance may not be performed more than once during the competitions with the exception of restricted and age solo class or age solo class for boys only.
Refer below for Modern Jazz and Tap Dance Championships and Classical Ballet Variation rules.Time Limits
Under 12 years: 3 minutes
12 years & over: 3 1/2 minutes
Duos & Trios: 3 1/2 minutes
Groups/Troupes: 4 minutes.
Time limits will be strictly adhered to.
Modern Jazz Championships
Competitors must dance in their solo age group class to be eligible to compete in a Championship Class.
Note rule no.12 above: The same dance may not be performed more than once with the exception of the under 12 years Modern Jazz Championships, which may be a repeat dance from a solo category.Tap Championships
Competitors must dance in their solo age class to be eligible to compete in a Championship Class.
Note rule no. 12 above: The same dance may not be performed more than once with the exception of the under 10 years Tap Championships, which may be a repeat dance from a solo category.
Tap championship dances cannot be a straight Tango/Latin or Waltz Tap.
Under 10 years, optional two or three speed.
10 years and over – three speed.Classical Ballet Variation
Competitors must dance in at least one other Classical Ballet solo class to be eligible to compete in this class.Entry Fees
All competition entry fees and audience admission fees are listed on the Prices page.
View PricesStudent Own Choreography class
A solo dance created by a dance student to their choice of music prior to the competition.PACANZ NYPA nomination classes
Competitors must dance in at least 2 solo classes of the nomination genre in their age group to be eligible to receive a nomination for the NYP finals.Group Classes
In groups of four (4) or more performers, a competitor may perform in up to 3 items only in each class, but with different routines.
No person will be permitted to compete more than once in any one solo class.Photography and video recording
Generally, a competitor may arrange for his or her performance to be recorded by an audience member.
Please check with the Section Convenor prior to recording.
In no circumstances may you record, on any device, another performer without their permission.
Flash photography is not allowed during an item.
Please use tripods with consideration for the audience and note that the adjudicator’s view must not be obscured.
The Adjudicator’s verbal summary comments may not be recorded by any means.Resin Competitors are to supply their own floor resin, if required.