Piano & Instrumental entry guidelines
The General Festival Rules and Conditions for Competitors as published on this website apply in this section.
Backing tapes or CD’s are not to be used.
Copies for the Adjudicator
Must be handed in before the commencement of the session in which the class is being held.
All copies for the Adjudicator must have clearly marked on the top right hand corner:
Class number
Competitor’s number
Competitor's name.
Competitors failing to supply copies for the adjudicator or titles will be disqualified.
Quality of choice
The adjudicator will have regard to the quality of choice where competitors make their own selection.Copyright Regulations
Performers must use original music.
Clear manuscript or photocopies may be used for the Adjudicator’s copy only.
Copies of the copyright regulations are available if required.Time Limits
Unless otherwise stated, the maximum time for any item is four minutes.
Competitors exceeding the time limits stated in the syllabus and programme are liable to disqualification or reduction of marks.Programme Errors
Errors concerning entries printed in the programme must be notified to the Piano & Instrumental Convenor before the commencement of the Competitions..Stage and Rehearsals
There are to be no rehearsals on stage between sessions except in special circumstances and then only with the permission of the Stage Manager or Piano & Instrumental Convenor.Reports
These will not necessarily be available immediately after the completion of classes. Please wait for an announcement that reports are available or collect them during the following session.Cancellations
Notification of cancellations is expected prior to commencement of sessions or preferably before the commencement of the competitions.
Please notify the Piano & Instrumental convenor.
Email: instrumental@northlandperformingarts.org.nzPhotography and Video
As a general rule, this is not allowed during performances.
However, if a video is required for educational assessment purposes permission must be obtained in advance from the Piano & Instrumental Convenor.
Refer also to Rule 29 in the The General Festival Rules and Conditions for Competitors.Northland Performing Arts Competitions Society committee may take photos and videos for use on Social Media. If you do not wish to have photos or videos used on social media, please advise the committee before the commencement of the competition.
Instrumental section
An accompaniment should be provided where the original music is so scored.
Entrants need to supply music and make all necessary arrangements with accompanists at least six weeks before the competitions.
Accompaniments may be on any instrument, not necessarily piano.Duet, Trio and Group class entries
Competitors entering in these classes must make one complete entry on only one competitor’s entry form.
Names of all players involved must be given with the one class entry.
Please do not repeat this entry, or part of it, on any other form.Strings Classes 37 to 47 do not include Guitar.
Novice classes
Teachers must validate the entry form for competitors in novice classes.Dress
Competitors are expected to dress tidily and appropriately for their performances.